Here's yet another fascinating example of interactive marketing that has the power to draw people in so they actually experience something, rather than just observe a brand's online presence (i.e. visiting a site, playing a game, or signing up for updates).
Actually, it's a "first" according to PRBuzz.com.
Check out the Golden Jigsaw. It's an interactive game where players put together a puzzle by solving clues and finding pieces on various websites. The 1st person to put it together wins $1 mil. Strategic idea to get traffic from users advertisers wouldn't normally see.
okay C...since you gave me the idea and link for this golden puzzle...i'm hooked. they now have the first 100 piece available. i was up at 7 this morning and i got the first 100 pieces done :) it's fun!
wow, i'm impressed! ok, not really, given this is right up your alley and you're smart. is it fun? i bet the incentive helps :)
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