in a world where news is regurgitated 24/7/365, i've created yet one more place for you to eat it up! culled from a plethora of platforms, here are bites of ideas related to planning, design, human nature, randomness, and more!
This morning's email features the luxury skincare line Korner Skincare. They are the "revolutionary system of biotechnically advanced products, formulated in Paris using rare and precious plant, marine and mineral extracts." Sounds good to me, but what really draws me in is the design. Check it. Sleek, bold, slightly masculine. My only quip is the clear plastic cover, which seems to interrupt the flow of the design.
i love to eat. my favorite picture i've ever snapped is from my visit to France 10 yrs ago. those men's shoes pointing towards one another in a puddle haunt me to this day...