- 14,000 users in 'bring Wispa back' groups in
- 93 groups
- fans posted 1980s spots
- fans joined online petitions
Ok, who wants to start a Bring Back Zubaz!! Facebook group? Shall I start it?
in a world where news is regurgitated 24/7/365, i've created yet one more place for you to eat it up! culled from a plethora of platforms, here are bites of ideas related to planning, design, human nature, randomness, and more!
But wait - the Lover's Cup does more than act as a virtual toasting gimmick. With a sip or a shake of the cup, users are communicating their affinity towards one another. The soft beacon of light reminds the user that their special someone is thinking of them.
(Now if only I'd known of these cups sooner...they could have been useful in past long-distance relationships that ended up on the cutting room floor...)