
Inspiring Ideas

These quotes come from Bruce Mau Design's Incomplete Manifesto for Growth, which I find simple, yet completely compelling and authentic.

1. “Allow events to change you.”
As a planner (and thinker), I open myself to the possibility of growth through experiences and change. In fact, I seek it.

5. “Go deep.”
I will commit myself to dig deeper, knowing that if I do, I could be rewarded with valuable discoveries.

9. “Begin anywhere.”
The process of planning seems uncomplicated, yet it’s no easy task. I like the idea that anywhere is fair game for mining ideas and insights. It says jump in with no fear.

16. “Collaborate”
As I’ve found in Bootcamp at Miami Ad School, putting ideas and questions together in a bubble, as opposed to working alone in seclusion proves that collaboration creates more potential for great insight.

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